Please remember : 1) You need to write 1 postal for each subject out of 5 question papers provided. 2) write them on ruled sheets with your Registration No. mentioned on top of each sheet. Attempt the questions in any order you like but the Sub questions of each question should be attempted chronologically. Kindly start each Question on a new page and write "Answer to Q. No. X" before starting. 3) You need to paste the extra sheet provided to you on a ruled page and make it the first page of your answer sheet. Fill up your personal details in the sheet. 4)Attempt the required no. of questions and put a cross sign ("X") on the extra sheet against each question attempted. 5) After completing the paper, roll it and wrap it with brown paper provided to you. 6) The last date for submission of postal papers for June examination is 28th February and that for December Exams is 30th August. You can use Registered post service or courier service to send them to the Institute.
I hope I was able to give u an overview. ALL THE BEST.
23 December 2010
By Extra Sheet I meant Title sheet of Response sheets. Working of a particular sum can be done on the right hand side of the page in which you are solving the sum. Kindly draw a margin to separate the sum and the working. Title sheet format that you have received from the institute is also available at the Institute's website. Copy & Paste the below mentioned address for a format:
23 December 2010
Attempt the required no. of questions and put a cross sign ("X") on the extra sheet against each question attempted----- sorry i am not getting it.....
02 February 2011
Response sheets that you have received from the institute need to be pasted on the paper and against each question no. that you have attempted a "X" sign needs to be made. You will understand it once you see the Response Sheet.