Object clause of co . having main object of mineral water

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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)

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D.D.SHAH ( C.A. )

07 December 2020 If you have got a copy by now, then please do share the same.

09 August 2024 When drafting the Memorandum of Association (MoA) for a company with the main object of dealing in mineral water, it’s essential to clearly outline the core business activities and any related functions. Here’s a template for the MoA with the main object focused on mineral water:

### **Memorandum of Association (MoA) of [Company Name]**

**I. Name of the Company:**

[Company Name] Private Limited

**II. Registered Office:**

The registered office of the company will be situated in [City], [State], India.

**III. Object Clause:**

**1. Main Objects:**

The main objects to be pursued by the company on its incorporation are:

a. **To carry on the business of bottling, packaging, marketing, and selling of mineral water** including purified, filtered, and treated water under various brand names, and to engage in all activities related to the production, distribution, and sale of mineral water and other related beverages.

b. **To establish, operate, and manage water purification plants, bottling facilities, and distribution networks** for the supply of mineral water to domestic and international markets.

c. **To undertake research and development in the field of water purification and mineral water production**, including the development of new technologies and processes to enhance the quality and efficiency of mineral water production.

d. **To acquire, install, and maintain machinery, equipment, and facilities** necessary for the production and packaging of mineral water, and to engage in the import and export of such machinery and equipment.

e. **To enter into agreements and contracts with other entities for the supply, distribution, and sale of mineral water** and related products, and to collaborate with other businesses and organizations to expand the company's reach and market presence.

**2. Ancillary Objects:**

The objects incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the above objects are:

a. **To acquire, lease, or otherwise deal in properties, both movable and immovable**, required for the company’s business operations, including offices, warehouses, and production facilities.

b. **To engage in the marketing and promotion of the company's products and services**, including advertising, public relations, and participation in trade fairs and exhibitions.

c. **To undertake activities related to environmental sustainability**, including waste management and recycling initiatives related to the company's operations.

d. **To employ experts, consultants, and other professionals** as required to further the company's objectives and ensure efficient operations.

e. **To provide training and development programs** for employees and associates involved in the production and distribution of mineral water.

**3. Other Objects:**

a. **To do all such other acts and things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects** or any of them.

b. **To undertake all legal, financial, and administrative activities necessary for the proper management and operation of the company** and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

**IV. Liability Clause:**

The liability of the members is limited to the amount, if any, unpaid on the shares held by them.

**V. Capital Clause:**

The authorized capital of the company is ₹[Amount] divided into [Number] equity shares of ₹[Face Value] each.

**VI. Subscription Clause:**

We, the several persons whose names, addresses, and descriptions are subscribed hereunder, are desirous of being formed into a company in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association, and we respectively agree to take the number of shares in the capital of the company set opposite our respective names.

Name, Address, Description, and Occupation of Subscribers | Number of Shares Taken by Each Subscriber

1. [Name, Address, Description, Occupation] | [Number of Shares]

2. [Name, Address, Description, Occupation] | [Number of Shares]

[Additional Subscribers as needed]




**Signature of Subscribers:**


### **Notes:**

1. **Flexibility:** While the main objects focus on mineral water, including ancillary objects allows flexibility for related activities that support the business.
2. **Compliance:** Ensure that the MoA is compliant with the Companies Act, 2013 and any relevant regulations.
3. **Customization:** Modify the template as needed to fit specific business requirements and regulatory conditions.

For precise and legal drafting, consulting a company secretary or legal advisor is recommended to ensure that the MoA meets all statutory requirements and accurately reflects the business objectives.

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