08 December 2016
yes, there is no such restriction. the company may have all the directors as executive or non-executive. it depends upon the appointment
i have one clarification, can you explain me the procedure to change the designation of a executive director professional to non-executive director independent and the section applicable as per the provisions of the act 2013.
Thank you sir, and the applicable section sir is it 149(6) of companies act 2013, but i have one clarification as per section sir is it 149(6) of companies act 2013, the director who want to be an independent director, sholud not be a promoter and he should not have any shares in the company, he is one of the promoter and he has 0.05 shares in this private ltd company sir.
22 December 2016
if the person is of promoter group or a relative of promoter, then he can;t hold the designation of Independent director Further, he must have a shareholding below 2% (which includes shareholding of its relatives).