21 March 2012
1. To carry on the business of investment company and to finance, make investment in, acquire, hold, buy, sell, pledge, mortgage, dispose off, trade and deal in shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, obligations and securities of all kinds of any body corporate, corporations or of any Government or public authority, municipal or local or other interest in any other company including movables and immovables of any kind whether in India or abroad.
2. To carry on the business of general finance, guarantees, housing finance, factoring and/or purchasing receivables, bills of acceptance and discounting, credit cards, venture capital, safe deposit vaults, money changers, financial and commercial agents, capitalists, investment trusts and in general financiers of industry, trade, commerce agriculture.
22 March 2012
Pradeep be kind enough and share some revenue generated by you in the process of preparation of MA & AA of NBFC with Rasesh as he has given you the ready made object clause. While drafting the word company after the investment should be deleted and it should be investment, money lending and to finance.