Minutes of Statutory Meeting

This query is : Resolved 

07 January 2009 can any one provide me with statutory meetings conducted under section 165 of companies act, 1956 minutes??

08 January 2009 4. Minutes of the Statutory Meeting
1. Present
The following were present:
1. Mr. A, Chairman
2. Mr. B, Director
3. Mr. C, Director
In attendance
4. Mr. X Company Secretary
5. Mr. Y, Auditors
and ......... shareholders whose names and signatures are entered into the Attendance Register kept for that purpose.
2. Quorum
Requisite quorum being present, the Chairman declared the meeting duly convened.
3. Notice and statutory report
The notice and statutory report dated ................... having already been circulated to the members, were taken as read, with the general consent.
4. List of members
The Chairman drew the attention of the meeting to the list showing the names, addresses and occupations of the members and the number of shares held by them respectively, and informed that the same is kept open, from the commencement of the meeting, and is accessible to any member until the continuance of the meeting.
5. Adoption of statutory report
The Chairman appraised, the meeting with the activities of the company since its incorporation. Thereafter, the following was proposed by the Chairman, as an ordinary resolution:
"RESOLVED THAT the Statutory Report, prepared pursuant to the provisions of section 165 of the Companies Act, 1956 and certified by the Auditors, having already been circulated to the members and laid before the meeting be and is hereby received and adopted."
Seconded by: Mr. S — Shareholder.
The Chairman, then invited the members to ask questions arising out of the Statutory Report.
Several questions not involving any important points of principal were put and were answered by the chairman. The motion was then put to vote. On a voting by show of hands, the resolution was Carried unanimously.
6. Vote of thanks to the chair was
Proposed by: Mr. M and
Seconded by: Mr. S
The Chairman thanked the members and declared the meeting closed.

Specimen of detailed agenda of the Statutory Meeting for the Chairman 1
1. Quorum
As per Article 68 of the Company's Articles of Association, five members, personally present shall be the quorum for a meeting of the Company. Therefore, Chairman to see that the requisite quorum is present, within half an hour from the time appointed for holding the meeting, i.e. 11 A.M. If the quorum is not present within 11.30 A.M. then to adjourn the meeting to the same day in the next week, at the same time and place.
2. Notice and statutory report
The chairman to ask the Secretary to read the notice and the statutory report. Alternatively, these can be taken as read with the general consent of the meeting.
Read by Secretary/Taken as read.
3. List of members
The Chairman to draw the attention of the meeting, that the list showing the names, addresses, and occupations of the members of the company, and the number of shares held by them respectively, is kept open at the meeting and is accessible to any member of the company until the conclusion of the meeting.
4. Adoption of statutory report
The chairman to give a brief report on the activities of the company, since its incorporation and then to propose the following as an ordinary resolution:
"RESOLVED THAT the Statutory Report prepared, pursuant to the provisions of section 165 of the Companies Act, 1956 and certified by the Auditors, having already been circulated to the members and laid before the meeting, be and is hereby received and adopted."
(The resolution to be seconded by any one of the members of the company.)
Seconded by:—
The Chairman then to put the motion for floor discussion and to give suitable reply to the questions raised by the members. After giving reasonable time for floor discussion, the Chairman to put the motion to the vote, by show of hands.
The Chairman then to declare the results of the vote.
(If the votes cast in favour and against the motion are equal, the chairman to use his casting vote to break the tie. If the poll is demanded or the sense of meeting is not ascertained by show of hands, the chairman to direct the Secretary to make necessary arrangements for carrying out the poll.)
5. Closure
After the vote of thanks, the Chairman to declare "the meeting is now terminated

09 January 2009 thanks

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