Please provide me main object clause for "Financial Research & Equity research company which is taken over research on equity, shares, debenture,mutul fund & commodity and provide consultancy to investor."
Financial and Investment 1. To carry on and undertake the business of finance, investment, loan and guarantee company and to invest in acquire, subscribe, purchase, hold, sell, divest or otherwise deal in securities, shares, stocks, equity linked securities, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, commercial papers, acknowledgements, deposits notes, obligations, futures, calls, derivatives, currencies and securities of any kind whatsoever, whether issued or guaranteed by any person, company, firm, body, trust, entity, government, state, dominion sovereign, ruler, commissioner, public body or authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise, whether in India or abroad. The Company will not carry any NBFC Activity as per section 45-IA of the RBI Act, 1934.
2. To carry on and undertake the business of financial services like financial restructuring/reorganization, investment counseling, portfolio management and all activities and facilities of every description including all those capable of being provided by bankers, stockbrokers, merchant-bankers, investment bankers, portfolio managers, trustees, agents, advisors, consultants, providing other financial or related services and to carry on the activities of hire-purchase, leasing and to finance lease operations of all kinds, purchasing, selling, hiring or letting on hire all kinds of plant and machinery and equipment and to assist in financing of all and every kind and description of hire-purchase or deferred payment or similar transactions and to subsidize, finance or assist in subsidizing or financing the sale and maintenance of any goods, articles or commodities of all and every kind and description upon any terms whatsoever and to purchase or otherwise deal in all forms of movable property including plant and machinery, equipments, ships, aircrafts, automobiles, computers, and all consumer, commercial, medical and industrial items with or without security and to lease or otherwise deal with them including resale thereof, regardless of whether the property purchased and leased is new and/or used and from India or abroad.
3. To carry on and undertake the business of acting as agent of any person, public or private sector enterprises, financial institutions, banks, Central Government and State Governments and to do financial research, design and preparation of feasibility study reports, project reports and appraisal report in India and abroad.