15 June 2008
1) Is VAT audit mandatory in Karnataka for private companies who get their books audited under Companies Act as well as income Tax Act?
2)When is the last date for filing of Form 240 under Karnataka VAT?
3)Once an establishment is registered under Karnataka VAT should it be renewal every year like it was being done earlier under the Karnataka sales Tax Act? If yes, please let me know the Form to be used, the last date for filing such form as well as the fees to be paid for renewal and the cheque in whoes favour renewal fees is to be paid
4) Can one submit monthly KARNATAKA VAT form 100 online?
Kindly answer the questions pointwise in the order they are asked
Vat audit is mandatory in your case. six months from the end of the year (December) Once it is regd. no renewal, only if there is change then Form VAT 6.