09 November 2013
Sir I receive the bill from security service Bill value-20000/-,& ST 25% 618/-,Total Bill Amount-20618/-,75% ST We have to pay so how can i pass the journal entry,entry passed below method is this correct r not? kindly guide me....
(75% Value of 20000/-) (Indirect Exp)Service Tax 12% Dr-1800 (Indirect Exp)Edu Cess 2% Dr - 36 (Indirect Exp)sec Edu Cess 1%Dr - 18 To(Lia Ac)Service Tax Payable 12% -1800 To(Lia Ac)Edu Cess payable 2% - 36 To(Lia Ac)Sec Edu Cess Payable 1% - 18
12 November 2013
Sir How can debiting the expense account can lead to reduction in the original amount .Please explain.May be I need to correct myself.
Querist :
Querist :
13 November 2013
If deduct st actual exp a/c means Security Charges a/c dr 20618 to party ac 20618
Journal Entry for service tax Service tax a/c dr 1854 to security charges ac 1854
so security charges expenses ledger balance will be reduced rs.18764
it think it may be wrong r right u just clarify with any expert iam a beginner thats y...