My proprietory firm total gross turnover is Rs.4515960.00 and my PPF interest for A.Y. 2014-2015 is 47889.00.My gross turnover is less than Rs.10000000/-. Sir, which form should I use to file my return for A.Y.2014-2015. I can used Section 44AD ( 8% of Gross turnover)
27 July 2014
Yes, you can offer your income u/s 44AD and you required to file ITR-4, Because of even you offering your income u/s 44AD due to interest on PPF you required to file ITR-4 because of interest on PPF is exempted and it is more than Rs.5000 and ITR-4S allowable upto exempted income upto Rs.5000 only but in your case exempted income is more than Rs.5000 so required to file ITR-4 along with offering of income u/s 44AD.