28 April 2010
as per your choice you can consider the bill in march or april. if u booke the bill in the month of march then u haveto issued the C form form the march only. however u can book the same in april also but you have to show the stock of the same in a closing stock of april only and then issue the C form for the same.
this problem is similer the Set off of Vat and CST. hence please find the prof for the same:ciculer dated 14-07-2005 17 T of 2005 Grant of set-off Under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Rules, 2005
1) Goods in transit:�
a] There would be cases where the goods are sold by the vendor in the month of March, 2005.� The goods so sold are received by the purchaser in the month of April, 2005. If the purchaser has accounted for such purchases in the month of March, 2005, then he should continue to treat such purchases as made in the year 2004-2005.
b] There is a practice among some dealers to account for such purchases at the time the goods are physically received by them.� In such a case, the purchases would be accounted for by the purchasing dealer in the month of April, 2005.� Such purchases would not, therefore, appear in his opening stock as on the 1st April, 2005.� If the purchases are accounted for in April, May or June 2005 and have not been considered in the opening stock of goods as on the 1st April, 2005, then the purchaser may claim set off towards such purchases in the month of April, May or, as the case may be, June 2005.�
08 May 2010
The above transaction will be considered in the fourth quator for the purpose of issuing C form. But the purchase will be accounted in the books of accounts in the month of april