15 December 2018
As per the notification by MCA the time limit for filing Form NFRA-1 will be 30 days from the date of deployment of this form on the website of Ministry/National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) for all bodies corporate governed by the said rule (excluding companies as defined under sub-section (20) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013, which are not required to file this Form). As per section 2(20) - "company" means a company incorporated under this Act or under any previous company law. However, as per the MCA notification 3 (2) - Every existing body corporate other than a company governed by these rules, shall inform the Authority within thirty days of the commencement of these rules, in Form NFRA-1, the particulars of the auditor as on the date of commencement of these rules. So Is filling of NFRA-1 form is applicable for Private Company?