Is this enuf for increase in Authorised Cap. Board resolution to decide GM date. den form 23 alongwith Explanatory stmnt (within ...??? of passing the resolution) e-form -5 and and altered AOA and MOA
is there any physical submission of docs in ROC is reqd?? if yes then wic docs?? pls its urgent....
27 January 2010
No need to submit any physical documents in ROC for increase in authorised capital. and form 23 along with EGM resolution and explanatory statement should be filed within 30 days of passing the resolution.
27 January 2010
Prima facie Form-23 is not required to be filed with ROC during the process of increase in Authorised Capital.
Form-23 is required only if authorised capital amount is mentioned in your AOA. It this is so then u have to alter ur AOA by passing special resolution. In that case file form-23 with in 30 days of passing SR in the GM.
But filing of form-5 is mandatory. attachment of form-5 are altered MOA and AOA along with notice of EGM and certified resolution.
No need to submit any physical documents in ROC as suggested by vandana.