18 April 2011
For increasing the authorised capital you have to amend the capital clause of the MOA, which requires passing of an ordinary resolution in the General Meeting. Special Resolution would be required, if increase in ASC involves AOA change as well. The procedure would be -
1) Hold a Board meeting and take a decision about the increase in ASC 2) In the same BM, decide the date for EGM 3) Issue 21 days notice for EGM 4) Hold EGM 5) Get the resolution passed 6) File Form 5 for increase in ASC and pay necessary fees. You have to attach amended MOA. File form 23 also if Special Resolution is passed. 7) Make changes in all copies of MOA 8) Once ASC is increased, you can allot shares within the limits of ASC and accordingly the paid up capital would be increased. As and when shares are to be alloted, Board Resolution is to be passed. No GM resolution required. 9) When you allot shares, file form 2 with ROC within 30 days of allotment.