30 March 2013
I am a salaried employee received other income(Rent)of Rs.1,80,000 for the FY 2012-13. I have paid Soceity Maintenance allowance of Rs.40,000 & Repair of Rs.60,000.
30 March 2013
From income from house property at flat rate of 30% deduction alowable as standered deduction for the purpose of repair irrspective of your expenditure incurred or not. And this deduction of 30% shall be computed after the deduction of municiple taxes if any paid by the owner. Computation of income from house property is as follows
a) ALV XXX b) Less: Municeple taxes paid by the owner XXX
C) Balance a-b d)Less 30% standered deduction on C XXX e)Less interest on housing loan(If any) XXX f) Net income from house property chargeble to tax c-d-e.