We are 8 persons working in various companies at Chennai, taking a plot in an aportment for a monthly rent of Rs.12000/-. Now whether individually we can claim HRA through a single Rent receipt for income tax purpose. Ifso, how we can claim the same and advise the procedure of the same.
19 January 2009
Landlord will obviously give only one receipt for Rs 12000 for stay of all puttogether; so it would not be possible for each one of you to claim Rs 12000 as rent paid
May be all eight of you can prepare a paper (MoU) indicating therein that Rs 12000 rent is being shared by all of you at the rate of Rs 1500. This has to be signed by all of you.
Next, submit xerox copies of Rent receipt for Rs 12000 and MoU to employer who would be able to adopt Rs 1500 as rent paid for Rule 2-A calculation purpose