One of my client paid the following expenses which is more than 5000 a day. May I know reverse charge will be applicable on it or not?
1. Rent ( Staff quarters) = RCM Applicable 2. Marketing Expenses = RCM Applicable 3. Gift purchased for dealers = GST paid on the same but not in company name invoice. ( Reiumbusement to staff) . Is RCM applicable?
4. Interest Paid to a third party for delayed payment : Is RCM applicable 5. Travelling Expenses-Flight charges : No GST is been charged. Is RCM will be applicable 6.Freight charges - Rail , Is RCM applicable? 7.Foreign excchange currecy purchased for foerign travel : Booked as an expenses and no gst paid: Is RCM Payable?
20 August 2017
1 Rent for staff quarters exempt from gst RCM not applicable. 2 RCM applicable. 3 gst paid no RCM. 4 Gst not applicable on interest no RCM. 5 RCM not applicable. 6 RCM not applicable. 7 RCM applicable.