05 August 2020
Service Provider "A" Register with GST in Mumbai and Service Reciver "B" also Register with GST in Mumbai both GST reg no start with 27 maharashtra code. Transaction : "A" Have given courier service to "B" "A" collect packet from "B" Mumbai office"A" deliver by sea to Europ "A" Nothing to do with Eurp party hence "A" raise the bill to "B" with GST 18% SGST and CGST recived and paid to Govt now Query is "B" told "A" you have to Charge IGST insted of CGST/CGST we agree with the "B" and revise the bill and issued as per instruction given by "B"... Problem:when we going to file GSTR1 on GST portal while adding the gst bill on the screen it was showing only SGST and CGST coloum there is no ISGT coloum... Kindly solve my problem whther I am doing wrong or what is correct procidger in GST portal...