02 June 2016
Yes , Once ESI applicable to Establishment they have Extend Esi Benefits to Employees. For Employees Till Tresh hold Limit of Gross Salary Rs.15000/- Esi applicable , If Gross Salary Exceed They will be exempt from Deductio of ESI .
02 June 2016
ESI is governed under pay cycle, which is Apr to Sep & Oct to March. So if in Apr salary for ESI was less than a threshold then no ESI to be deducted, however if in May salary for ESI falls below threshold limit then ESI to be deducted from May and till Sep month irrespective of employees ESI Salary. After that from Oct month, new ESI pay cycle starts and same treatment to be given for said period.
So when ESI salary is more than threshold amount then for each month of pay cycle you need to check for applicability of ESI.
So ESI once started then its applicable for that pay cycle & applicability of ESI to be gain checked in next pay cycle.