I need to upload the ITR -V e return. Ours is a partnership firm and going to file only nil return( having no business and no assets). When i try to validate the excel sheet, it says that Section code in SI is Compulsory.But i given only '0' in the income column of SI sheet. I dont knw wat to do, to validate the sheet.
27 August 2012
No details can be manually filled up in Sheet SI (Income taxable at special rates). You have probably clicked on the button "Click here to insert rows", and must have inserted 1 or more rows - if you do this you will have to fill in the section code by selecting out of the choices provided - if you don't then this error will come. The easiest solution to this is to open a blank return file once again and fill up everything - this time do not go to the SI sheet at all since this is not required. Validation and uploading will be easy.