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Querist : Anonymous

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Querist : Anonymous (Querist)
31 May 2010 Can a company pay remuneration to its directors in cash?

01 June 2010 Yes, can be paid in cash. there is nothing in companies act against it. So can be paid in cash.

Rider - In income tax act, if any payment made above rs.20,000 in cash will not or upto some percentage soem kind of exemption is not vailable.

Kinldy check the IT act or google search "income tax rs.20,ooo payment"


Vignesh J

01 June 2010 agree.

if payment aove rs.20000 complete disallowance under Sec 40A(3)of IT Act.

01 June 2010 Agree

can not pay above Rs. 20000/- in cash becouse the same will be disallowed.

05 June 2010 company can pay as their is nothing mention in Companies Act.
But cash payment is covered u/s 40A(3)of IT Act, so it will be disallowed while computing Company Income

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