13 August 2023
Actually I have filled my income tax and income tax department processed the same. Now I received a message saying my CRN expired. I did not generate multiple challan and my itr already processed so what does it mean
14 August 2023
It means your payment has not been deducted from bank. Whether you had paid self assessment tax? If yes, when? In that case, whether there is any demand in the intimation?
14 August 2023
I have paid self assessment tax on 28/07/2023 actually it is deducted from my bank account and my itr is processed and no demand intimation . I just received email and CRN in that email is in my generated challan but the CIN number in my payment history different from that CRN and my Ais does not reflect anything
14 August 2023
When there is no demand means the self assessment tax has been adjusted in ITR filed with the same BSR code and amount, so, no need to worry for the massage of CIN no. It is system error.