14 November 2008
I m under new final course and my a/c coachng is of old course so will it b fine to take these classes and what is the diff b/w old n new course pls reply soon.
14 November 2008
The new syllabus seeks to facilitate more concentrated practical training to articles clerks who will be joining the course with more maturity and with better knowledge of the relevant theoretical subjects.
The scheme lays special emphasis on information technology and includes a full-fledged paper on the subject in the curriculum, which requires students to undergo compulsory computer training for 250 hours prior to joining practical training.
The new syllabus seeks to cover new developments in the fields of accounting, auditing, corporate and taxation laws, and management.
It doesn't matter according to me if you had taken accounting classes under old syllabus, as you can always top it up with any minor changes through the study material.