10 August 2011
1. Arrange for suggested answer. 2. Arrange for RTP's for last 3 terms. 3. Analyse the important chapter based on the RTP & Suggested answer. 4. In Group 3 - Strategic Mgt is a scoring paper - Try max out of it, helps in agreegate. 5. Sufficient time is still there if you can start with 4 hours every day and going upto 10 hours when exams are near. Let me know if you need any other details.
10 August 2011
if you read and learn first time in your life then 3 months is littel bit short for preparation. but if you have a idea of subjects then it is very easy to learn. icwa-final preparation is not impossible in three months. focus only & only in studies. prepare your own short notes. focus on concepts. you will get success.