25 September 2008
What is the term of office of a director retiring by rotation. Assuming that a director is appointed at an AGM, does he remain a director upto the end of the AGM (based on 2/3rd majority provision etc.). Auditors appointment specifically states that the appointment is valid upto the end of the next AGM, but similar provision is not available in the Companies Act for director's appointment.
17 October 2008
The doubt is with reference to the validity of the appointment. Whether the appointment is valid till the end of the next AGM or the beginning of the next AGM? Whether the retiring director can act as a Chairman of the meeting in the AGM in which he retires. Clarification is desired on this point.
22 October 2008
Thanks for the response. But could you please confirm as to how you have drawn such a reference, when the Companies Act is silent about this aspect.
30 October 2008
The directors can be appointed only during the meeting therefore the retiring directors hold meeting during the meeting till they are re-appointed.