02 January 2015
crossing is of 2 types General Crossing : 2 paralle lines across the cheque, normally on left hand top corner Special crossing : The matter written in the above mentioned parallel lines makes it spl. the words written account payee in the parallel lines makes it pecial.
Bearer versu Order is one more classification... Now tell me which one you use?
02 January 2015
Crossing is done for basically to reduce the chances of mis-utilization of cheque and provide ability to trace the payee. There are types of Crossing 1st General by making two parallel lines on the cheque, this enable that cheque will be cleared only by banking channel i.e by crediting into the bank account of any payee. In general crossing endorsement is possible.
While special crossing is done by mentioning additional words like Account Payee. This disable the endorsement at all and can be cleared only that payee only