CA Kumar Mukesh

CA, CMA FINAL and Advance






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About me

  Member Since : 07 December 2009  (New Delhi)

Hi I am KumarMukesh, Chartered Accountant, &

lives in Delhi


More than 7 years experience in Internal, Statutory & System Audit of Listed Manufacturing Entities.


Do you need any help in different areas of Internal,Statutory,System Audit/Taxation/Accountancy or in excel, please let me know at camukeshkumar @, without any hesitation I will do my best ASAP

Key Contibutions at CCI


In Excel

Extracting data in Microsoft Excel - Advance Filter (Article)

Ageing report from pivot table - Advance Excel (Article)

Vlookup's Advance Function - Advance Excel (Article)

Data Consolidation in Microsoft Excel Part-2 Advance Excel (Article)

Data Consolidation in Microsoft Excel Advance Excel (Article)

Linking Tally with Excel Steps Advance Excel (Article)

Scenario Manager in Excel Revised (Article)

Data Protection in Microsot Office (Article)

15 really useful excel formulas for everyone

Find the lowest value? [quick tip] 

How to create a interactive chart in excel 

Enter data into many cells at once-trick 

Hide your excel sheet sheets-trick

Pivot table-finding conversion ratio 

Conditional formatting in excel – 5 tips 

2007 How to create an interactive chart in excel?

Transpose a values in a row to column using formulas 

How to create a column chart with ackground image in excel 

How to create a Then vs. Now interactive chart in Excel 

Complete Array Formula Book Finished

Mutual Fund Portfolio Tracker sing MS Excel 

Remove duplicates & sort a list using Pivot Tables 

How to Look up Based on Multiple Conditions 

How to Lookup Values to Left? 

VLOOKUP with Data Validation for some magic! 

Tips on Rounding numbers using Excel Formulas 

Grouping Dates in Pivot Tables 

Excel Pivot Tables Tutorial : What is a Pivot Table and How   

Comprehensive List of Excel Keyboard Shortcuts 

Conditional Formatting in Excel - 5 Tips to make you a Rocks 

Delete Blank Rows in Excel-Quick Tip 

Extracting Unique, Duplicate and Missing Items using Formula 

Data consolidation in Excel 

Learn to use watch window in excel

In Audit

Payroll Audit Report Format 

Internal Audit Report format-Production 

Treasury and cash management work program 

Accounts Payable Audit Programs  

Payroll/Human Resources Review Work Program

In Tally 

Linking excel with tally

In System

Find your wifi password when you forgot it

In Others

Some Interested English Grammatical Topics for Professionals Part-3  

Some Interested English Grammatical Topics for Professionals Part-2 

Some Interested English Grammatical Topics for Professionals Part-1

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