19 May 2011
One of my client company name includes word vehicle and company carry on the business of trading of various type of vehicles. Now can company add object of trading of mobile and its accessories with existing main object if yes how. Note. Company don't want to change its existing name
19 May 2011
If you dont want to change the name then new business object to be added to the other object and a special resolution to pass for doing the business in other object clause.
19 May 2011
Dear Madav you need to change the object clause of the company to make that things valid . for that you need to follow the below mentioned steps . 1. Hold a board meeting after giving proper notice for the same . 2. IN the board meeting pass that resolution for making changes in object clause 3. draft a notice for general meeting and approved in the same meeting 4.Issue notice for the meeting 5. Hold board meeting 6. In that board meeting pass that resolution and approved the appropriate changes in that board meeting 7. Veted a copy of board meeting with roc .
Change in the object clause can be done either by adding this under other object or can change in the object clause . Thanks