08 October 2017
Net income is a product of accrual earnings quality accounting. Business make sales by either collecting cash or extending credit to their customers. Therefore, in the simplest terms, a company's accounting earnings are equal to its cash earnings plus accruals.
So, Cash Accrual is simply calculated as Net Profit + Depreciation + Non+Cash Expenses (Provision of Bad Debts, Depreciations, Investment Gains and Losses+Amortisation, etc) = Cash Accruals
08 October 2017
Tangible net worth is most commonly a calculation of the net worth of a company that excludes any value derived from intangible assets such as copyrights, patents and intellectual property. Tangible net worth is a simple calculation of a company's totaltangible assets minus the company's total liabilities.
09 October 2017
हमारी कंपनी एक partnership firm है जिसकी Assets इस तरह है।
16,09,253/- Fixed Assets (company building, machineries, office furniture's,& ac, computer etc)
09 October 2017
हमारी कंपनी एक partnership firm है जिसकी Assets इस तरह है।
16,09,253/- Fixed Assets (company building, machineries, office furniture's,& ac, computer etc)
26,56,495/- Current Assets (stocks, deposit, debtors, banks & cash ) है
ओर Liability इस तरह से है।
22,46,244/- capital account
7,69,754/- loan liability
12,58,750/- current liability (provision, creditors )है।
तो मेरी Tangible Net Worth कितनी है? please help me