11 November 2009
No adjustment should be given for deffered tax liability or asset. As the same will be provision against income tax liability to give the fair value of balance sheet.
Net worth means funds available to shareholders/ proprietor after deducting all the liabilities.
This is also kind of asset or liability of income tax.
11 November 2009
"networth" means aggregate of value of paid up equity capital and free reserves (excluding reserves cerated out of revaluation)reduced by the aggregate value of accumilated losses and deffered expenditure not written off (including miscellaneous expenses not written off)
11 November 2009
Deferred tax assets and liabilities can be set off, if the items relate to taxes on income levied by the same governing taxation laws.
Deferred tax assets = xx Less:-Deferred tax liabilities = xx
Net result = xx
Net result will be consider for calculation Net worth.
11 November 2009
Hi, with due respect to all the above answers Net worth means equity. equity is defined as residual interest in the assets of the enterprise after deducting all its liabilities. thus, equity is the excess of aggregate assets of an enterprise over its aggregate liabilities. It is calculated as Fixed assets + investments + current assets and loans and advances+deferred tax asset- all outside liabilities including deferred tax liability OR Share Capital + Reserves and Surplus - Miscellaneous Expenditure (to the extent not written off) deferred tax liability/asset is a liability which arise in the current period due to timing difference and will reverse in future. therefore the same is required to be considered while calculating Net Worth. regards, CA Shakuntala Chhangani