sunil butaney
10 April 2023 at 15:26




If an asset ( Laptop ) of INR 30,000 is procured and put to use on 31st March 2019 and has been depreciated @ 63.16 % per year ( useful value of 3 Years ) and as on 31st March 2022 its value is INR 1,500 Can it still be depreciated in FY 22-23 ??


We have engaged Apprentices for Graduates/Diploma Holders as per hte directives of Board of Apprentices Training , GOI. as per the scheme, the Government shall reimburse fifty per cent (50%) of the prescribed stipend, as notified from time to time after the training to establishments/industries. accordingly, we have received reimbursement from BOAT.
it is requested to kindly advise whether the amount received is liable to GST.

10 April 2023 at 13:52

Gstr1 reurn unregistered sales

In gstr1 return how will we show sales to unregistered dealers? Shall we upload each single invoice or we shall upload combined invoice value. Please clarify?

Rupesh Jain

a person want to gift amount to his son and daughter , what amount of stamp paper or stamp duty to paid in delhi.
10 April 2023 at 12:24

Leave Encashment & Perk Taxation

Dear Friends, Seek your guidance on the below query: -

One employee joined our organization in 2003 and left on 31st Mar 2023 (at the age of 72)
his basic monthly salary is 3,33,215/-

My question are: -
1. How many year of services to be considered for gratuity calculation (Joining till retirement age i.e. 10 Yrs or Joining till actual left date 20 yrs). Also is there any upper limit.

2. Leave Encashment - Same question as above. 2ndly can we show this in FY 23-24 instead of 22-23 (on the request of the employee)

3. we are providing the car as perk (the wdv of which is 20 Lacs) what will be the taxation on the same and can we also show it in 23-24.


I am considering paying installments for an under construction property from personal savings in which HUF will be co-owner as HUF is new and doesn't have sufficient income to pay those installments.
I don't need HUF to payback that amount.

1. Is it fine to register HUF as co-owner in the property? Other co-owner will be wife.

2. Will there be any income clubbing on rental income for me in future? I understand that such income will be equally taxable for my wife and HUF as per their slabs being co-owner.

3. Should the Agreement of Sale have my wife and HUF mentioned now itself or I can include HUF later also at registration time(HUF PAN yet to be received that's why)?

Please let me know if I am missing anything from income tax point of view.
Thanks & Regards

Venkateshwarlu Pulluri

Good morning sir/s,
please suggest a employ to select either old regime or new tax regime

Amit Raina

I am constructing a house for which I will have to pay in cash for certail items like
Tata steel saria, cement, bricks, gravel sand , and of course the labor.
Almost everyone is asking for payments in cash.
Although the tata steel, cement and brick companies are providing GST bill , however their amount is more than 2 lakhs .
My question is can I as an individual pay them in cash of bigger sum, if they are giving me a GST bill?
Kind regards,
Amit Raina

10 April 2023 at 02:38

Audit trail for non corporates

its only for corporates right as we.f. 1.4.23, audit trail reuirement is only in acompanies act right?

my q is --> for non corporates, 3cd has any such audit trail requirement.
my view -->no, only in companies act its a requirement w.e.f 1.4.23.