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my client has head office in chandigarh and four manufacturing unit in four different states. while audit the GST accounts we have to audit all four units differently or only one head office. and annual return is for all units or for only head office.
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This Query has 2 replies
Good Morning Sir
I am working as Senior Accountant in Exports company, we are doing the business in basmati rice, local selling & exporting the basmati rice, i want to know the gst is applicable are not, what is the % of gst on basmati rice if applicable.
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If GST is implemented from 1.7.17.
We have a turnover of less than Rs. 2 crores and we shall not liable to Excise Duty. And our product is physiotherapy equipment, and our vat rate is 5%.
IF GST comes effect, we shall liable to more tax. since excise duty is abandoned due to GST implementation.
Please guide.
Shall we liable to more indirect tax?
This Query has 4 replies
In the case of Freight is to pay basis is the freight charges is a part of Transaction value and as per GST Valuation is it part of Transaction value and tax is applicbale or not???
This Query has 1 replies
Dear Sir,
If we availing Service both form state and out of state in this case then i have to charge CGST & SGST within state and IGST for out of state?
As where service tax is central govt revenue.
Please guide me
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We are receiving Tea from a one of the Hotel. In GST does we need to pay GST on Tea as a supply of Goods or Service ? or not requried to pay GST on Tea faciltiy to employees.
or We need to pay tax on Reverese Charge Basis as a supply of Goods or Serivces.? Please explain
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For Deemed Export Supply to EOU tax is required to pay and Claim of Refund is done by Receipient of Goods but in case Recipient say that we will not take ITC of tax and you can claim the Refund of Tax paid is it possibile in GST.
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One question regarding gst . Is it possible to take ed input on closing stock purchased before 01.07.2017 for all traders not registered under CBEC?
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hi sir my query about at the time of uploading of documents and adding of commodities in gst portal (old VAT commodities). the added commodities are final and that commodities comes in gst certificate
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)
Survey, Search and Seizure under Income Tax Act 1961
audit provisions