Easy Office
LCI Learning

Karuna Sethi
13 March 2008 at 12:15


What is the meaning of -consideration that would defeat any rule for the time being inforce? Please Explain it to me

Karuna Sethi

I have not understood this point-Agreement in restraint of legal Proceedings

Karuna Sethi
13 March 2008 at 12:04

relationship- Offer & Acceptance

I have not understood words by Sir WILLIAM ANSON"acceptance is to offer what a lighted match is to train of gum powder"

Karuna Sethi
13 March 2008 at 12:01

Privity of Contract-Exception

4.where there is assignment of contract< the assignee can enforce the contract for various benefits.
Give a case so mthat I can understand it easily

Karuna Sethi
13 March 2008 at 11:57

Doctrine of frusturation

What is meant by Doctrine of frusturation? Explain it with an easy example

CA S Sundararajan
12 March 2008 at 15:02


Dear Sir,

One of my client have the claim over the company for Rs 45,00,000/- . The amount is receivable from the company for 6 years , can they enforce their right to claim amount withut application of Sec 500 for Winding up by Sundry creditors.

12 March 2008 at 12:33


Can a Practicing C. A. become a Farmer without surrendering C.O.P.Whether any permission is to be taken for this from ICAI.

10 March 2008 at 15:37

Labour Law

what is the maximum Basic salary limit for provident fund applicable on 2008-2009.


vivek keserwani
10 March 2008 at 10:54

RBI Act, 1934

Can a Partnership Firm carrying on the banking business get itself Scheduled in the SECOND SCHEDULE OF RBI ACT, 1934 ?

07 March 2008 at 10:43

ESI - Admin. Charges payable

Does employer need to pay ADMINISTRATION CHARGES charges to ESI departement along with his contribution of 4.75% of wages and 1.75% of employee contribution ,like he does in case of PF payments? If yes, what percentage of total wages has to be paid as administration charges. Challan No.1 which is used for payment of ESI dues has no provision to show administration charges. How does one deal with it?