Dear friends,
As per AS -26, intangible assets Preliminary expenses are to be claimed in the first year only.
& as per Income Tax to be claimed in 5 equal installments in 5 years.
Then why we some time time see the Preliminary exp. in the debit side of Balance sheet, if we are claiming in one year only as per AS -26.
Fact of the case
Lease Priod 30 Years
T&C Renewual of lease at expiration for furter five year at the descrition of lessor.
Q: Please clerify me whether the capitalization of lease Premium paid at initial stage will amortize during 30 year?
what accounting treatment will be done for
-Annual Lease rent
-Annual Maintenance Charges
Whether ICAI has issued any clerification or guidance for accounting of leasehold land?
What is Provison Give me a full details
How to calculate the pro.for depriciation
Can anyone have any idea whteher the security deposit or advance received from customer can be adjusted from his outstanding for calculation of ageing.Please qute the relevant extracts of US GAAPS if any available on this subject.
best regards
I want 2 knw d Accounting standards & Auditing standards applicable 4 May 2009 CA final exam?
i dont know how to record payroll entries in tally 9.
can anyone give me detail explanation.
Sites use full for an Accounts and Finance Studen????? Please help me..
How should I book Prior period income/E Income in books,
also please explain it impacts on taxation
Excel Mastery Program
Preliminary exp.