08 August 2012
I want BR for Companies being subscriber to MOA & AOA.
08 August 2012
“RESOLVED THAT the company do subscribe to XXX Equity Shares of Rs. 10 (Ten) each amounting to Rs. XXX in “XXX Private Limited”.
“FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Mr. XXX , Authorised Representative of the company be and is hereby authorised, for and on behalf of the company, to sign and execute the Memorandum and Article of Association of the said proposed Company, for the purpose of above referred subscription of XXX Equity Share of Rs. 10 (Ten) each”
“FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Mr. XXX and XXX be appointed as the First directors of the said proposed Company at the time of its incorporation.”
“FURTHER RESOLVED THAT XXX be and is hereby authorised, for and on behalf of the company, to or to cause the Initial Directors to, delegate authority by appointing attorney(s) and take all such actions, do and perform all such things, pay all such fees and charges and execute, deliver and file any and all such certificates, instruments, documents, agreements and undertakings as they or any of them may consider necessary or appropriate to enable the company to carry out the intent and purposes of the foregoing resolutions or otherwise to consummate the transactions, agreements and documents above.”