Please guide me for the undermentioned Billing procedure -
- Client Factory at Gujarat prepares Excise Bills Mentioning the Name of Buyer in Rajasthan and consignee in W.Bengal. Basically Rajathan based party is leader to whom contract is given and he wants to route all bills through him.
* In this transaction what should be mentioned on the LR to show it as LR Sale, so that Buyer in Rajasthan can prepare his commercial Bill to party in W.Bengal * I understand that Gujarat based party will get C Form from Rajasthan based party after giving him E1 Form and in turn Rajasthan based party will get C form from W. Bengal on issue of E1 Form.
- If Gujarat based factory instructs some vendor Factory from Maharashtra to despatch Excisable Material to W.Bengal stating Buyer as Gujarat based party A/c Rajasthan Based party and in consignee the name of W.Bengal party. Again Rajathan based party is leader to whom contract is given and he wants to route all bills through him.
* In this transaction what should be mentioned on the LR to show it as LR Sale, so that Buyer in Rajasthan can prepare his commercial Bill to party in W.Bengal * In this Maharashtra based party will give E1 Form to Gujarat and get C form, Gujarat based party will get C Form from Rajasthan based party after giving him E1 Form and in turn Rajasthan based party will get C form from W. Bengal on issue of E1 Form.
* Are there any restrictions in the sales tax law on such kind of Sale, which will involve levy of CST again if on the LR or when final place is predetermined. And when it involves more than 3 parties.
* Our main focus is that Ultimate buyer in W. Bengal should get Cenvat Credit. * CST should be payable once only when 4 or more parties are involved.