Auditor Appointment

This query is : Resolved 

08 September 2009 If a auditor is appointed by the company and with in 30 days of appointment the auditor has to intimate to ROC and company as per the companies act 1956 but if the auditor not intimate the same neither to the company nor to the ROC then what will happen to the appointment is this void or not and further i want to know that can central govt can appoint the auditor.
The company is a public company what will happen if the auditor does not intimate to the ROC with in 30 days as the time prescribed under law

08 September 2009 Please provide further details so that specific comment could be provided..

1. Purlic or Private
2. In case of Public the Intimation has to be given as without that you can not obtain the Commencement of Business.

3. CG appoint the auditor/s only if the company informs the RoC that non of the directors are appointed at the AGM.

Please correct the year of Act as 1956 rather than 1949, which makes entire law mistaken

08 September 2009 If auditor fail to give intimation of his appointment to ROC there is no problem.

He may file form 23B at any time after his appointment but only upto annual filing of balance sheet etc.

As when u file form 23AC & ACA SRN no of form 23B is mandatory.


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