20 January 2014
When does a company can show the share application money as paid up capital?
1. Date of BOD for allotment 2. Date of Filing Form 2 3. Date of approval of Form 2 4. any other date
Pleas Clarify it and also clarify the process to increase paid up capital and ROC requirments. The company has already increased it authorised capital.
It will be from the date resolution for allotment of shares has been passed in the Board meeting.
For increase in paid up capital follow the below procedure:
1) Conduct a Board Meeting and pass necessary resolution for allotment of shares. 2) Within 30 days of passing the resolution, file Form 2 with ROC along with Board resolution and list of allottes as an attachment.
If Form 2 is not filed within 30 days of passing resolution, penalty will be imposed by ROC.