01 November 2019
Hi there, how to get proof of Details of Authorized signatory for GST registration? I want to sell on Amazon and EBAY as e-commerce seller but I don't have company letterhead and stamp as I am doing Dropshipping business. Someone can please kindly help me to get GST number?
01 November 2019
If you have a Proprietorship Concern and you are the only authorized person, then you have to just provide your PAN And Aadhar Detail as Authorised Signatory person and in case you appoint someone else as Authorised person then you have to give his PAN and Aadhar Detail along with authority letter which may by on Rs.10/- stamp paper authorizing him and authorization duly accepted by other people.
If still your query is not resolved, give us a call at - 9911303737.
01 November 2019
If You are register a proprietorship form and You are a signatory person then "NO NEED AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY LETTER". Just tick in the authorized signatory box in bottom...
otherwise if appoint any other person then prepare a letter in Your letter head and upload the same with details of person. No need any other documents like stamp paper...