27 September 2019
Whose AD Code should be given at time of clearance from CHA in case of High Seas Sale either High seas buyer who clear goods from port Or High Seas Seller who import goods from foreign country? Please help me on this issue if anyone has knowledge regarding this.
28 September 2019
Thank You for your time and reply Sir Sir can you give me explanation regarding this ? High Seas Seller made payment in foreign currency so why high seas buyer give AD code to CHA as high seas buyer made payment in indian currency. sir please clarify this
28 September 2019
The bill of entry should be filed by the HSS buyer who will discharge the applicable duties of customs and IGST on the imported goods and will clear the goods for home consumption/ warehousing, as the case may be. The delivery from customs is on account of HSS buyer. He is liable to pay BCD and IGST on the import of HSS goods and take the credit of IGST paid on such imports in GSTR-3B based on the bill of entry if such goods are used for effecting taxable supplies and exports in the course or furtherance of business. The Import General Manifest [IGM] is to be filed in the name of HSS buyer as the consignee of the goods by the shipping line if such shipping line is aware of the HSS contract before filing IGM. In such cases, IGM is not required to be amended. Where the IGM is already generated by the shipping line and has mentioned the HSS seller as the consignee of the goods in the IGM, then the shipping line would be required to amend the IGM in order to change the consignee as the HSS buyer.
28 September 2019
Sir there is one party who is HSS buyer and in every bill of entry AD code is mentioned of HSS seller. so is this wrong and if wrong how can rectify that?
28 September 2019
It is mandatory to declare AD CODE of the branch responsible for outward remittance in BE Main Table. So the AD code of HSS seller is the right one who made outward remittance.