31 January 2012
Hello Friends can u help me to take proper decision.....pls... This is some background…. One person had completed ICWAI in June 2008, and He is in CA Final only One group cleared and he is going to appearing in 5th attempt in this May 2012. He had only experience of 3 years of article-ship under chartered accountant. He is already 27 running. He had tried a lot to find proper job on the basis of ICWAI but he is unable to find. He tried all his best like create resume in all most all the placement portal. There are jobs available. And he always send his resume to all the company suitable to the profile. But no response got from the company.
1. Industry training....
@Very difficult to find company who agree to pay to trainee in the recession season.
@Less Salary
@Industry Exposure
@ICWAI is in Boom Period
2. KPO….
@Join any KPO and start earning.
@Easy to find job but experience not count at all.
@Good salary.
3. Dubai Offer Internal Auditor in one retail electronic appliance mall.
@Salary AED 5000 Inclusive everything. No other perks. @International exposure.
@2 years contract (May renewable). @What is the option after 2 years?
@It may happen experience count as well as may not be count in india after returning back. Depend upon the interviewer perception.
31 January 2012
Give another shot and i am sure u will succeed.. CA would add stars to your career, start afresh and have belief in you that you could clear.. and i am sure should you work hard and with honesty.. no body can stop u from becoming a CA>