02 May 2013
Can u please tell me that if a employee is receiving less salary i.e deductions are made on ground of leave or some other reason OR employer does not pay him the salary for one or two months in a f.y. So how tds calcullation will be made on accrual or actual basis?
02 May 2013
If Salary not received and it is certain that amount will not to be received in near future then Tax computation will be done on the actual salary received.
02 May 2013
What will be the position is case deductions are made on account of leaves. So the amount for TDS will be calculated on received amount or accrued amount?
06 May 2013
yes, i agree with Mr Kapil Verma. Net salary will be considered for Gross Total Income because the amount deducted from employee's salary is deducted forever. The Employer is not going to Repay him