22 September 2011
I filled d xam form for grp 1 for nov'11 attempt still hav nt yet started d studies. Its ma 2nd attempt and in Ist attempt i got exemptn in a/cs, so dis tym i hav nly 3 paprs to go. Suggest me how to start studing in such less tym....??
First of all its your fault that you have not started the studies till yet. Still you have abt 1.5 months in hand to prepare and to go only for 3 papers.
Make your plan systematically as you cant go for each and every topics in such period of time. Note down the important topic and leave the unimportant one.
Dont loose heart as you have exemption in one paper which increase the chance of passing out very much.
Do prepare well and through out the exam fear from your heart. I am sure that you come with success.
23 September 2011
Still enough time. Prepare a time table and take all the 3 subjects every day and do the in depth study. The day on which you start the studies it is the time when your study starts.
So do not be disheartened and do it. If you get exemption in one paper then you can clear your group also