23 June 2010
I m going to ragister shop & establishment licence (Gumasta Licence) "A" and "B" wants to do business in one shop. Shop is owned by "A". shall they register for Shop & Establishment licence in one shop. Please help prasadpmore@rediffmail.com
23 June 2010
Shops and Establishment Act is enacted to regulate the working conditions and emplyments in commercial establishmets and Shops in a local area covered under Schedule 1 of the Act. In your querry, shop is owned by "A". Business is carried by A & B both.
So they need to register under Shops and establishment Act and get the license for each shop they own.
THE Act is also applicable to the following: residential hotels, restaurants, eating houses, theatres, other places of public entertainment and other establishments.
The Act covers the following matters also: Employment of Children, Young Persons and Women, Leave and Payment of Wages, Health and Safety etc.