how to mention composition scheme of air travel agent in service tax return?
Whether domestic rate of 0.6% and international rate of 1.2% on basic fare is to be mentioned in Advalorem rate or specific rate( applicable as per Rule 6 of ST Rules)?
If, it is to be mentioned in specific rate, While mentioning 0.6% and 1.2% in the service tax return, it was showing the error. "please enter numeric value of less than or equal to 12 digits"
If you have not filed your return yaet.You may file the same by filling in column B1.15(Advolorem rate) two rates one 0.6 for domestice fare and 1.2 for international fare. Suppose you entered 10000 in B1.1 You may enter in B1.15 5000@0.6% 5000@1.2%