26 August 2013
Ours proprietership company and doing freight forwarding business. we hireing vehicles from GTA on behalf of our clients. we are geting bills from GTA with out service tax and stating that service tax to be paid by service receiver as per law. Kindly advise who should pay service tax?
For example.
GTA(A)raised bill to us(B) Rs.10000/- B adding marign Rs. 1000 and raising bill to C Rs. 11000/- for this Rs. 11000/- should we charge s.tax or not to charge. if not charge who is liable to pay s.tax?
26 August 2013
Service tax is payable by the recipient of the goods and service tax will have to be paid on 25% of the bill amount of GTA and not on full amount. GTA is giving consignment bill for this?