My query regarding income tax refunds : First query is : If any assessee claim refund in the ITR for the A.Y. 2009-10 and He has not received the refund till date due to tds mismatch then what to do ?
Case 1 : In form 16A Tax credit available of Rs. 34583/- and as per 26AS there is only tax credit of Rs.9735/-
Case 2 : In form 16A Tax credit available of Rs. 9819/- and as per 26AS there is only tax credit shown Nil.
Case 3 : In form 16A Tax credit equals to form 26AS and there is no mismatch in this case, but refund received partly.
Please guide me I will be grateful to your appreciation in this matter.
15 March 2014
For the first query approach the deductor and ask them do filing of form 24Q or 26Q what is applicable in your case(24Q for Form 16 holders and 26Q for form 16A holders) and then file 154(1) rectification return with the enclosure of updated form 26AS statement(in the case of manual filing).
Case 1: First please reconcile form 16A and form 26AS and find out whose TDS not appearing in form 26AS and approach them and do the same action what i said above.
Case 2: Same as Case 1
Case 3: If the filing is efiling then file 154(1) rectification return under the wrong process by the CPC, In case if it is manual filing then write a letter to the AO with the details of your income and refund claimed and refund received and balance to be receive with enclosure of form 26AS.