I am not able to File GSTR-1 because When I submit in the GSTR-1 It will ask OTP after Verifying the OTP The status Submitted is not coming. In the Status it shows Error in submission. I have also contacted the GST Help Desk, They say send a Screen Shot with the GSTIN No. After sending the Screen Shot I have Received the Complaint ID No. Stating that the issue is open & Working on it. I have tried 3 times but nothing is happen. How do I go about on this issue. I am already late in Filing in GSTR-1.
31 January 2018
There is nothing much you can do if they are still working on it. Generally the error in submission shows when there is a error in return. Simply follow up with helpdesk till issue is resolved.
Please also note that helpdesk@gst.gov.in email address is no more available. Please access Grievance Redressal Portal for GST to log your issues.