21 May 2014
Suppose a trader in Haryana invoices goods with Bill To party in the city of Bangalore and Ship To party in the city of Mysore, then who will provide the E-Sugam to the trader in Haryana and why. Please also provide an understanding on the Form C, i.e. who will issue the Form C, being a transaction on concessional tax rate of 2% against the C-Form
22 May 2014
C form : this will constitute a E-1 transaction, hence the flow of C forms will depend accordingly.
E-Sugam: Mysore party will raise being the party involved in movement of goods.
Querist :
Querist :
22 May 2014
C-Form - How will the dealer in Bangalore issue Haryana C-Form, if the e-Sugam isn't issued. Haryana will seek the C-Form from Bangalore and will issue E1, whereas E2 will then be issued by Bangalore to Mysore.. Please clarify, from whom will Haryana receive the C-Form and how will the transaction look like..