17 March 2009
you will have to obtain latest book for DT. As a faculty for Direct Taxes i recommed you either T N manoharan's or G Sekhar's text. Give more emphasis for recent amendments because that will be asked. Also go through recent case laws. because there will be case law based questions. ICAI themself is publishing a book for case laws . get the latest copy of that. It cost around Rs 40 which will be useful for DT and IDT. preferably follow only one text book . have a systematic reading
17 March 2009
Further to the suggestion given by Mr. Krishna Kumar try to be selective in your study i.e. have a brief knowledge of whole sylabus but read the important & latest text with more attention.And Dt is the subject in which u have to devort maxm time. Regards, ACA/CS rajesh Kumar Goenka