Comparing IIM grads with CA's is comparing Apples and Oranges.
However @ Sreev
Well just have a look @ Student profiles @ IIM's. You have overwhelming majority of Engineers.
This is very much due to the way CAT papers are set. The Quant section is most of the times beyond reach of guys who have not taken math after their 10th grade.
It dosen't offer level-playing field for graduates from other streams.
I say this, Coz to quality for IIM's, it your 'relative performance' which matters. So you are always playing the catch-up race.
It's not their branding/quality of education which is questioned but their intake policy, which definitely needs revision.
While, out in CA @ entrance per se, you get level-playing field.
So lets not be 'Naïve' enough to not understand the inherent flaws of CAT!
Or are we in awe of IIM's :P